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June 30, 2024, 20:36
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Visit to Gainsborough Old Hall

The Leonard Anderson Lodge of Mark Masters No1412 What a wonderful meeting we had at Gainsborough on Thursday 20th June.

The W.M. W.Bro. Colin Fox led from the front to a lodge of over 30 members and guests. 10 new members proposed and to be balloted for with two more to add in September.

After a short lodge and business, we attended the Gainsborough Old Hall for a guided tour before returning to the Masonic Hall for a Summer Festive Board of 3 meat salad and Strawberries and cream.

If you are a WM. of the Mark Degree you are invited to join the Lodge and enjoy our outings in the future to see other buildings of interest around Lincolnshire.

The Lodge meets in June and September.

For more details contact W.Bro. Philip Spicksley A.G.Swd.B.


A well-kept Secret.

W Bro, Arthur Baxter Almoner & W Bro, Chris Parrot Treasurer, of St Matthew Lodge MMM No1239,
made a Surprise visit, to see W Bro, Ken Braithwaite at his home in Brigg.

The surprise visit had been made with the help of Ken’s wife Pamela, who kept the reason for the visit under wraps. Ken had a fall in his garden in November last and broke his hip. Taken into hospital! Tests showed Ken had early stage lung cancer. This was caught in time, but went on to have another fall: Breaking his other hip. Ken is now back driving. A magnificent recovery.

On behalf of the R W Provincial Grand Master, Stephen Charles Hallberg. W Bro, Baxter & W Bro, Parrot, after a cup of tea and biscuit, presented W Bro, Braithwaite with the MBF Certificate and Collaret jewel of the well-earned level “GRAND PATRON GOLD”

Ken was thanked for his continued support to the MBF, who couldn’t make such donation’s that they do, without the generosity of brethren like himself.

Ken was truly taken aback by the presentation of the Jewel and certificate, as he only expected a visit for a chat. (Well done Pamela)

He said he enjoys his masonry and pleased with what he had achieved.

A very unassuming Brother.

 The Travelling Sceptre moves on.

St. Wilfrid’s RAM Lodge met at Alford to install Bro. Peter Rafferty as Worshipful Commander on 21/05/24. The evening was made very special by the unannounced arrival of the PGM as a guest. In total there was 52 present with 30 guests representing 9 Lodges. The installation was excellently done. by W. Bro. Andrew Wrisdale.

To add to the occasion the Travelling Sceptre was claimed by St. Deny’s Lodge and was whisked off back to Sleaford. Pics show W. Bro. Derek Perkins, who was also representing the PGM, receiving the Travelling Sceptre.

A wonderful evening was had by all.

Why not set up a raiding party from your Royal Ark Mariner Lodge and head to St Denys Lodge on 30th September to claim it for your Royal Ark Mariner Lodge? 

If your Mark lodge would like to claim the Travelling Gavel, it is next available to claim from The Saint Matthew Lodge at Barton, on 8th October.



RAM Assembly 

On behalf of our RW Provincial Grand Master - more congratulations are due - this time to those Lincolnshire Brethren who will be appointed and invested with RAM Provincial Grand Rank at the RAM Assembly which will take place at Skegness Masonic Hall on Saturday 1st June:
W. Bro. Andy Carr Remigius Lodge no.117
W. Bro. Phillip Horton Trent Lodge no. 172
W. Bro. Craig Maurier Heneage Lodge no. 188
W. Bro. Barry Staley Heneage Lodge no. 188
W. bro. Christopher Woods St. Wilfrid's Lodge no. 209
W. Bro. Keith Rowbottom St. Denys Lodge no, 427
W. Bro. Grant Taylor St. Denys Lodge no. 427
W. Bro. Michael Bunce St. Swithun's Lodge no. 445
W. Bro. Peter Chandler St Wulfram's Lodge No. 916
W. Bro. Nev Stockdale Earl of Scarbrough Lodge no. 1032
W. Bro. Andrew Sharp St. Guthlac Lodge no.1122
W. Bro. Keith Munn Mayflower Lodge no. 1899
We sincerely congratulate these brethren on their preferments.
Details of the Assembly and a booking form will be distributed in due course.
Wives and Partners will be invited to attend and the Assembly will also be pleased to welcome, W. Bro. Mike Neville, a well known Masonic author and speaker who will deliver what should be an interesting and informative talk - be sure not to miss out

Mark Grand Lodge Appointments/Promotions

Brethren, on behalf of our RW Provincial Grand Master, I am delighted to confirm the appointments/promotions in Mark Grand Lodge for this year.
At the next meeting of Grand Lodge on the 11th June
(first appointments):
W. Bro. Phil Spicksley (St. Matthew Lodge, no. 1239) will be appointed and invested as (Active) Assistant Grand Sword Bearer;
W. Bro. Rod Rouse (Spurn and Humber Lodge, no. 1199) will be appointed and invested as Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.
At the meeting of Grand Lodge on the 10th September ((promotions):
W. Bros. Ian Castledine (Urania Lodge no. 326) and Alan Farmer (St Guthlac Lodge no. 1122) will both be promoted and invested to the rank of Past Grand Junior Deacon.
We obviously heartily congratulate all these brethren on their respective appointments and wish them all well in their new Offices.

Haven RAM Installation

Brian McDonough was placed in the chair of Worshipful Commander in the Haven Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners for the second time, twenty five years after he first had that privilege. Brian is held in high esteem by brethren in many orders and this was attested to by the fact that the evening was very well attended by visitors from several other RAM lodges.

John Moulson was representing the RW PGM and is seen here after congratulating Brian McDonough on the evening.


A picture of the founders of the Have Lodge on Royal Ark Mariners 

See if you can spot Brian in this line-up.

Eventful Night at Remigius Lodge RAM 117

An eventful night at Remigius Lodge RAM 117 saw a few firsts and lasts. W.Bro David Pattison announced he was stepping down as the Lodge Liaison Officer after 10 years, W.Bro Chris Oates on his first official visit as the Provincial Grand Senior Warden announced he is to become the next Lodge Liaison Officer.

Worshipful Brother David Wheeler on his last full meeting as Worshipful Commander Elevated three Candidates, Alexander Peadon, William Gregory and Mike Martin. The Senior Warden Bro Mike Clay was elected as the next Worshipful Commander. W.Bro Terry Wallhead the new Provincial Junior Warden and the Lodge Chaplin at his first meeting since his appointment.

Bro’s Stephen Ellicker and David Willets both Elevated at a double ceremony at the last meeting received their Grand Lodge Certificates.

Travelling Gavel

A contingent of 'Raiders' led by the Worshipful Master W. Bro. David Crosskill of St Matthew Lodge 1239 MMM travelled the full distance of the Lincolnshire Province on Tuesday 26th March 2024 to visit the Alexandra Lodge No 1230 at Long Sutton.

Visiting Brethren attended in force from three different Lodges in the Province, namely the St Wilfrids Lodge No 209 of Alford who sent 6 Brethren and the Nene Lodge No 427 of Sleaford who sent 11 Brethren.
Clearly the distance travelled by the Brethren from Barton Upon Humber the most northerly Mark Lodge in the Province to the most southerly Lodge at Long Sutton made the mileage important and although they had the least members make up their 'Raiding Party' the mileage made the difference
St Matthew next meet on Tuesday 9th of April and their secretary can by contacted on if a 'Raiding Partys' wish to be formed.
The visitors experienced an interesting Installation Ceremony with W. Bro. Horner placing Bro. Mann into the Worshipful Masters Chair.
A wonderful evening was had by all and new friendships formed in so many ways.
The photographs show W. Bro. Mann handing over the gavel to W. Bro. Phil Spicksley representing St Matthew Lodge and witnessed by W. Bro. G. King the Representative of the R.W. Bro. S. C. Hallberg the Provincial Grand Master.

Lincolnshire Provincial Grand Lodge

23rd March 2024

Address by the Provincial Grand Master

Brethren: A warm welcome to Lincolnshire and to our Provincial Grand Lodge meeting . Thank you all for attending today , particularly our friends from other Provinces who I know have travelled extremely long distances to be with us .

Today for the first time in the last 4 years I have a warm feeling of cautious optimism and confidence that we have turned a corner after the devastating effects the pandemic had on Freemasonry in general and our wonderful Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Orders in particular.

We ran a very successful Mark Awareness evening at the St Oswald’s Lodge in Scunthorpe in November with two thirds of the Master Masons attending either joining us or committing to do so in the near future. Similar events are planned for the 17th April in Spalding at the Mercia Lodge and event flyers have already gone out to Lodges and is available to view on the website- and again on 13th November at the Earl of Scarbrough Lodge in Skegness. We will have effectively covered all parts of our Province spreading the word and engaging with Master Masons on the virtues of joining the Mark. I was surprised and more than slightly disappointed that when chatting to the potential new members at that Scunthorpe event some had heard little about our Order and wanted to know more. Our Facebook feed from a standing start now has over 400 followers and can be another avenue to get interested parties engaged in our Order. My special thanks go to Bro Chris Tandy for his expertise in making it happen.

We have to concede it is only by us talking one to one with Craft Masons that our existence and benefits can be demonstrated. Use the merchandise which has been sent to all members – give the tri-fold leaflets and business cards to interested candidates. Invite them to scan the QR codes which takes them to our website and encourage them to learn more about us. Only by doing that can we properly engage. The discussions should be cordial and not in an way pushy or overly burdensome and my message continues to be - start asking people to join us. You will be amazed how many will willingly say ‘’yes’’ and how many will say ‘’I’ve never been asked’’ !

We still have a few Lodges that continue to struggle – W Bro Phil Spicksley our Membership Officer , has been instrumental in organising blue and white table events in Lodges where there is no candidate , and giving thought provoking Talks to encourage awareness and membership. It is a way of inviting Craft Masons to your own Lodge and learning more about us and the benefits of joining- I hope every one of you will give him , me, and the Province every bit of help you can. If you don’t have a ceremony- give him a call, and he will explain the way forward.

We have undertaken 10 team visits since Provincial Grand Lodge in 2023. On each occasion we have received the warmest of welcomes , and next Wednesday the new team will accompany me to celebrate the sesqui-centenary or 150th anniversary of the second oldest Lodge in Lincolnshire – The John O Gaunt Lodge in Gainsborough. The Assistant Grand Master will once again grace us with his presence and it is shaping up to be another very memorable evening with our wives and partners joining us to witness the presentation of the Warrant and see a Dedication ceremony in the Lodge room – their involvement is something I have been keen to promote since taking this job 5 years ago.

Our Province will reach its own 150th anniversary this year and a special event will take place in this building on the 9th November- arrangements are already well advanced and more information will follow over the coming weeks/ months . Do make a note in your diaries as we expect all 3 Rulers to attend and once again it should prove to be a wonderful event.

Four of us attended the District Grand Lodge of Spain in Benidorm in 2023 on the first Saturday in February- this year a dozen did the same although regrettably I was unable to join them, but my Assistant PGM Phil Aitken lead from the front and did a great job in growing support - mainly from the Scunthorpe Brethren, for this excursion into international Mark Masonry- long may it continue putting Lincolnshire on the map - I’m told the weather was once again kind and the party sat in temperatures around 18 degrees plus - to consume pre-luncheon drinks, and enjoy the sunshine the following day before returning home. The tapas starter lasts about 2 hours Brethren and I can testify is worth the trip just on its own!


We continue to keep up our support for the forthcoming Festivals in the same way others supported us- we have this year donated £10,000 to the Craft 2025 Festival , our Craft PGM has already explained his genuine gratitude .

We have also supported Cheshire’s Festival cumulating in July this year – Gary – my wife and I will be with you in July at Manchester and look forward to the amazing experience of dining under the wings of Concorde- I’m told there are a few remaining paces still available? and I hope your result is one you can be proud of- I’m sure it will . Thank you too, for the kind mention you gave our Assistant Provincial Grand Master Phil Aitken at the Address you gave to Grand Lodge this month for joining your cycling challenge - in your 2024 Festival update- he and I are most appreciative.

Brethren we have also contributed £5,000 to Oxfordshire’s MBF Festival in 2025 which means we are well ahead in our charitable giving- I’m delighted R W Bro Ian Wright is here today to receive that in person. Ian we hope you are in line for another amazing MBF Festival next year.

Finally on the subject of charitable giving we in Lincolnshire have been guilty of not putting forward viable needy local projects to the MBF which could be supported by them . If you feel you know of any charitable organisation requiring for example a new minibus or similar or necessary capital equipment then please approach Province and start the ball rolling. Remember it should be equipment and not daily running costs that can be funded. These requests can be dealt with extremely quickly which is the guiding principle of the MBF of course.

To this end I ask you all to continue making donations to our Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Fund with gift aid envelope collections. Linked to this charitable giving is our quarterly Mark Prize Draw - I encourage all those participating to continue to do so. Not only does it distribute great prizes , it gives us the ability to fund both our Provincial Grand Lodge in this magnificent setting it also provides funds for Festival donations, something we can be very proud of.

Turning to Grand Mark Lodge : we were pleased to attend at the June 2023 Investitures and see W Bro Brian McDonough receive first appointment to the active rank of Grand Steward , W Bro Neil Hollingsworth to PAGDC and W Bro. Derek Perkins promoted to PAGSwdB.

In September V W Bro Bob Paterson was promoted to PGJO , W Bro Colin Fox to PGSD and W Bro Peter Dolby promoted to PGJD – all thoroughly deserved. They are a reward for past services but more importantly to future commitment and service.
In December at the Royal Ark Mariner Assembly we saw W. Brothers Rod Rouse, Brian McDonough and Bruce Goodman receive promotions to Grand Rank in the ancient and honourable fraternity – once again richly deserved.

Lastly I congratulate all Provincial Officers appointed, promoted and invested today and remind each and every one how very important the rank is- you will be looked up to for an example of good order and practice, and for that reason I ask you set high standards for yourselves and all those around you.

Provincial Grand Lodge requires a tremendous amount of organisation and once again I do sincerely thank our hard working Provincial team for all their efforts in making today possible and White Stone Lodge , Lincoln, for their ever present support and sponsoring Lodge- St Wulfam’s Grantham . Thank you all for getting today to run so smoothly.

We can all now do a great deal to promote our two Orders of Mark and Royal Ark Mariner, both beautiful in their own rights. Essential to this of course is ensuring our Craft Lodges remain vibrant and providing the right men to join us. Remember to ask politely-avoid pressuring - and you will be pleasantly surprised at the answer.

I continue to be thankful to you all for the great privilege of being your Provincial Grand Master and wish you continued happiness in our Mark & Royal Ark Mariner Masonry.

May the Great Overseer of the Universe Bless you All & Mark well.
Provincial Grand Master
23rd March 2024.



The PGM and all the Mark Brethren of Lincolnshire send sincere congratulations and best wishes to V.W. Bro. Dan Heath on his appointment as the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
We wish him many happy and successful years in the position and look forward to supporting him in his new Office.


Get a raiding party together from your lodge and claim the Travelling Gavel.

If your Mark lodge would like to claim the gavel, Alexandra still hold the Gavel,

 They next meet on 26/03/2024 which will be the installation.

Presentation of a 60th Mark certificate to V.W. Bro. Robert (Bob) Paterson 

The recent business meeting of St Wilfrid’s Lodge RAM which was undertaken before their annual Burns night proved to be a great start to a very enjoyable evening with a presentation of a 60th Mark certificate to V.W. Bro. Robert (Bob) Paterson by our RW PGM, Stephen Hallberg.
Bob actually undertook his Mark advancement under the Scottish Constitution in 1963 before moving to Lincolnshire due to his job and joining St Wilfrid’s Lodge MMM in 1973.
He is currently a member of 5 Mark Lodges and 5 RAM Lodges in our Province so no doubting where his heart lies in Freemasonry, a wonderful man and Mark Mason who received due recognition last year when he received the honour of being promoted to PGJO and now is entitled to the well deserved preferment of V.W. Bro. – RAM Grand rank having been achieved in 2003.
The presentation took the form of a chat between the PGM and Bob in the centre of the Lodge and proved to be both humorous and touching, at the end of which Bob received a standing ovation from all the Royal Ark Mariners present, showing the affection and high esteem with which he is held.
However, a further presentation took place at the Festive board with the PGM noticing that despite his commitment, Bob was wearing the ‘old’ Provincial tie which was replaced a good few years ago – his excuse was that he is a Scot after all !!!
The DPGM promptly produced a ‘new’ tie which the PGM presented to Bob who without blushing, responded with a payment of 50 pence – Scotland’s loss was definitely our gain – here’s to many more years Bob.
The PGM and Bob being joined by the W. Commander, Andrew Wrisdale and also the DPGM and the APGM
(thanks to V.W. Bro. Keith Robinson)

St Wilfrid's RAM Burns Night

Monday the 22nd saw the annual Burns night at St Wilfrid’s RAM no. 209 take place in Alford with some 90 odd brethren attending - A wonderful night of fellowship and enjoyment which is organised by W. Bro. Tim Bird to whom grateful thanks must be given.
Whilst primarily for Mark & Ark brethren, the evening is also open to Craft / Chapter Masons from the Alford & Louth Lodges who always support the event in good numbers and such is the fraternal atmosphere that some even decide to take a further step in their Freemasonry as a result with many of the attendees remaining long after the official festivities had concluded.
The playing of the bagpipes and the all important ‘Address to the Haggis were given by Pipe Major Finlay MacGhee who was duly rewarded by the Worshipful Commander, W. Bro. Andrew Wrisdale with a suitable reward (no prizes for guessing what !!!).
Many thanks especially to Bro. Rob Watson and his wife Caroline (not forgetting their staff) who provided an exceptional 5 course meal accompanied by a glass of the ‘water of life’.
The meeting, which has also become an essential part of the Mark Provincial calendar was attended by our RW PGM who was accompanied by his DPGM, W. Bro Steve Roberts and his APGM, W. Bro. Phil Aitken along with a good number of his Provincial team. The reason – it has become the tradition, that it is at this meeting that the PGM announces his Wardens for the ensuing year and many congratulations are given to W. Bro. Chris Oates of John O’Gaunt Lodge MMM who is the SW designate and W. Bro. Terry Wallhead of Remigius Lodge MMM who is the JW designate – we wish both these brethren a happy investiture at Provincial Grand Lodge in March and an enjoyable year in Office.
Until next year - Sláinte Mhath

Mark Drawer - Q4 Winners

Drawn at









Prize Tally:






£              200.00

C Rimmington

St. Oswald's


£              150.00

T Wearing

White Stone


£              125.00

S Butler

St. Wulfram's


£              100.00

S Dickson



£                 75.00

J Board


The 3rd winning number being presented to Simon Butler by Andy Carr along with the newly Installed WM of Urania Lodge, W. Bro John Sharp 


Donation to the Lincs 2025 Festival

Please pass on sincere thanks to all The Mark Master Masons who attended the Magic of the Mark meeting at Scunthorpe raising a fantastic £400 and deciding to give this as a very generous donation to the Lincs 2025 Festival.

Myself and the hard working committee together with the President, The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, whom I informed of the donation last night, thank you enormously for your support.

After Covid things are picking up and the Festival has gained momentum towards achieving its goal of benefiting good causes via our charity the MCF to the tune of £2.25m by September 2025 and the assistance from the Provincial Mark Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire has been brilliant, thank you once again.

Regards, Jez Hyland, APGM - Chairman, Lincolnshire 2025 Festival


Heneage Preceptory Knights Templar at Grantham 

A great night at Heneage Preceptory Knights Templar at Grantham which got even better when Very Eminent Knight Mick Stocker aka the Provincial Grand Charity Steward of the Mark Province of Lincolnshire was presented with a donation of £200 by the Trustees of the Lincolnshire pre-loved Regalia, Ivor Hallam and Mark Driffill.

Along with their wives, Ivor and Mark accept unwanted regalia for all the Masonic Orders which is then sold on after cleaning and any necessary refurbishment - the profits of which are then donated back on an equal share basis to every Masonic Order that operates in the Province of Lincolnshire, which in the case of the Mark will be added to the Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Fund 

A definite win-win scenario, not least for those who benefit, be they Masonic or public recipients.

Thanks guys for the donation and the service you provide.


The Magic of the Mark evening

Left to right: Keith Robinson, Provincial DC; Steve Roberts, Deputy PGM; Steve Hallberg, PGM; Phil Aitken, Assistant PGM; and Phil Spicksley, Provincial Membership Officer.

A masterful performance by Lincolnshire’s Mark Masons’ PGM Steve Hallberg and his team opened a window on ‘the friendly degree’ when they invited potential members to a meeting of the St Oswald’s Mark Lodge in Scunthorpe.

His presentation about the order, the only one in which members are paid, had been waiting in the wings since April 2020, having been halted by Covid restrictions.

Almost 30 visitors from a dozen lodges were amongst more than 80 Freemasons welcomed to the meeting. The Lodge was founded in 1888, and is part of the third-largest masonic order, with 22 Lodges in Lincolnshire, meeting in all but three of our 21 centres.

Steve said: “The Mark order sits between Craft and the Royal Arch, and is an extension of the Second Degree. It tells, with drama, humour, and moral lessons, the story of the building of the temple completed in the Craft, and rediscovered in the Royal Arch.

“It’s not undeservedly called ‘the friendly degree’ and has much to offer. It enhances our knowledge of the Craft, provides valuable life lessons, and offers a greater appreciation of the Royal Arch. Ignoring it denies Freemasons the opportunity to experience what other Companion Orders have to offer.”

Mark Master Masons are given a coin when they join a Lodge, meaning they are ‘paid’ in a way which explains a phrase in the second degree of Craft Freemasonry, which talks of Fellow Crafts being paid ‘in specie’, which means ‘with coins’.

Steve added that unlike the Royal Arch, there was no compulsory waiting period after being raised to the Third Degree before an application could be made for Mark membership, and that joining presented no barriers about joining the Royal Arch.

Phil Spicksley is the Provincial Membership Officer for the Mark degree in Lincolnshire. He said: “To illustrate why we’re called ‘the friendly degree’, it’s said that no Mark Master Mason is properly dressed if he isn’t wearing a smile.”

For further information about joining the Mark, prospective members are invited to email Phil or Provincial Secretary Neil Hollingsworth on


St. Wilfrid's Lodge claim the Travelling Gavel

On 31st October, St.Botolphs Lodge MMM No:946 received a raiding party from St. Wilfrid's Lodge MMM No:209, who came to claim the travelling gavel.

A great night was had by all, and the members of St Wildrid's Lodge took home their prize and look forward to some extra visitors at their next meeting, when it is hoped another Mark Lodge will come to claim the travelling gavels for themselves.

If your Mark lodge would like to claim the gavel, St Wilfrid's Lodge MMM next meet on Monday 27th November at the Masonic Hall, Alford.

It's all to play for - Happy Raiding!


A Very Special Night at St Wulfram's Lodge

A very special night was held at Grantham Masonic Hall on Thursday the 26th October at a meeting of St Wulfram’s Lodge MMM. No. 916, which those who were present will remember for a long time and was possibly an occasion that most of us will not witness again.

At the meeting, our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Stephen Hallberg accompanied by both his Provincial Senior and Junior Wardens, along with a good number of Lodge members and friends, had the honour and pleasure to present W. Bro. Peter Holmes, PPrGSW, with 60th year celebration certificates for both the Mark degree and the RAM degree.

Peter was advanced into St Wulfam’s Mark Lodge in March 1963 and elevated into St Wulfram’s RAM Lodge in April with just 13 days separating the two ceremonies, having been proposed into both degrees by his father Fred Holmes, who eventually became the PGM of the Mark Province of Lincolnshire in 1973 , serving in that Office for 7 years until 1980.

He received the Office of PPrGSW in the Mark degree in 2002 and was awarded RAM Grand Rank in 1986, in recognition of his service to both degrees and he has remained a stalwart of both his Mark and RAM lodges over the many years he has been a member and continues to be so.

Replying, Peter told the Brethren he'd enjoyed every moment of his time in Mark/ RAM and assured all that his father only had to ask once for him to join our Orders.

The evening was made complete by Bro. Richard Evans being advanced into our special Order, followed by a very happy and convivial festive board.


The Travelling Sceptre claimed by St Wildrid's RAM Lodge

On Tuesday 24th October, the RAM Travelling Sceptre was successfully claimed by members of the St Wilfrid Lodge at a meeting of the St Mary Lodge. Why not rustle up a raiding party from your RAM lodge and claim it for your own lodge?

The next meeting of St Wilfrid's Lodge RAM is on Monday 24th January 2024. Happy hunting!!!


MMM Travelling Gavel has Moved! - Now with St Botolph's Lodge in Boston

Last night the St Botolph’s Lodge took a raiding party of 8 Brethren to the Nene Lodge and claimed the travelling gavel,  there were also a high number of other visitors too.

The next meeting of the St Botolph’s lodge on the 31st October, plenty of time for you to arrange your raiding party on them, claim the gavel and receive a bumper number of visitors in return…

Be aware that this meeting will also be a Provincial Team visit, supporting the Provincial Grand Master who will be presenting an awareness of the Royal Ark Mariner degree whilst the lodge is called off.   You are therefore also encouraged to bring along those Mark Masons who have not made the step to Elevation so that they may benefit.

IF you wish to attend, please follow the booking details on the summons, avaiable through your lodge secretary. 

Also if you will be claiming the gavel be ware you will need to rise during AOB and announce your claim.  The winners will be the group with the greatest Mason- miles  (people x distance between lodges).

Good luck and happy raiding, see you there,

Andy Carr
Prov Dep G Sec


Visiting is the lifeblood of Masonry

Take your pick Brethren.... visitors are always welcome.
The Travelling Sceptre is currently held by St Mary Lodge RAM no.326 who meet at Louth on the 24th of October - why not try and claim it ?

Latest Mark Drawer Q3 Winners

The Provincial Grand Master sincerely hopes that all members of the Province will actively support the draw if possible., as an easy way to support the aims or our Order and worthy causes.

If you want to be in with a chance of winning a prize, simply download the form on this page, fill in the few details and post if off (details on form).  If you already play but want to have a greater chance of winning then you only need to amend your standing order by £5 per ticket.

Drawn at

White Stone Lodge








Prize Tally:



Ticket No.




£              200.00


Peter Rafferty

St. Wilfrid's


£              150.00


Peter Needham

St. Swithun's


£              125.00


Philip Horton

St. Swithun's


£              100.00


David Burnett

St. Wulfram's


£                 75.00


Keith Munn


You've got to be in it to win it! 

Lincs MMM Draw application form and a standing order

The first Royal Mark Master Mason

An excellent meeting of the Leonard Anderson of Installed Mark Masters no. 1412 was recently held at Louth Masonic Centre with over 75 Mark Master Masons and their partners attending, with W. Bro. Colin Fox being installed as the Master of the Lodge by W. Bro. Arthur Baxter.

Following the investing of his Officers, the WM then called off the Lodge and the ladies were invited into the Lodge room to hear a lecture by W. Bro. Dr. Rod Taylor, PGJO, from West Yorkshire who gave a fascinating and humorous presentation of the current Canon Portal Lecture entitled ‘The first Royal Mark Master Mason’.

The lecture was enthusiastically received by all and V.W. Bro. Taylor was warmly thanked by the Worshipful Master.

After the Ladies had departed, The Worshipful Master called the Lodge back on and after completing the necessary business, the Lodge was closed and the Brethren departed to an excellent festive board with their partners.

During the Festive Board, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Stephen Hallberg took the opportunity to personally thank V.W. Bro. Taylor for his presentation to the evening, having travelled from Halifax to be with us and then presented him with a donation cheque for £500 to the MBF in recognition of his excellent contribution to the evening.

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was then delighted to receive a cheque for £430 from W. Bro Frank Powell, a member of St Swithuns Mark Lodge no. 445.

Each year, W. Bro Powell, along with his wife and family, host a BBQ at his home with the proceeds being donated to the MBF – well done to Frank and his family and grateful thanks for the donation.


A Grand Day Out

The recent Mark Grand Lodge meeting held at Great Queen Street was well attended by upwards of 600 brethren from around the country which included 26 from Lincolnshire ( including 5 'first timers' who had travelled down to support our RW PGM and the Brethren who were receiving preferment, at what is the annual meeting for promotions.
Many congratulations go to, now VW Bro Bob Paterson as PGJO, W Bro ColinFox as PGSD and W Bro Peter Dolby as PGJD.
A great day of celebration and fellowship - why not join us next year ?

The Mark Travelling Gavel

The Mark Travelling Gavel is currently held by Nene Lodge MMM no. 427 who meet at Sleaford.

Their next meeting is on Thursday the 28th September at which they will be undertaking an advancement of a candidate.

Why not get a 'team' together from your own lodge to visit Nene Lodge and try to claim the gavel, with the bonus that if you are successful, you would in turn receive a boost in visitor numbers at your next meeting, as others visit to claim it from you.
Remember it’s not necessarily the amount of people you have, its “mason-miles” that wins – the distance between your home lodge and the one being raided multiplied by the number of brethren you take with you.

I am sure that W. Bro. Derek North, the Nene Lodge Secretary would be delighted to hear from you, bearing in mind that the new catering rules in Sleaford require a weeks notice - so be sure to book in by the 21st September.

It's all to play for - happy Raiding!


Fishing Competition

Sunday the 20th August saw the inaugural/trial fishing challenge between Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire take place at the Hayton Lakes, near Retford.
There were 5 Lincolnshire and 4 Nottinghamshire Mark Men up against each other with our PGM, Neil Charlesworth, Les Darby, Denis Fanthorpe and Dave Smith making up the Lincolnshire team.
At stake was the largest fish caught and also the greatest number of species caught on what was a difficult day fishing the largest kingfisher lake with a strong wind and choppy water.
Notts came first in the species race with Peter Hart claiming 3 - roach. perch and a 3.5lb carp.
However, Lincolnshire claimed the biggest fish with our own PGM netting a 10lb 4oz carp (pure luck or so he claims !!!).
So it was a one all draw and following a successful day all round, it is hoped to open the competition up next year to greater numbers with a Lincolnshire venue.
A great enjoyable day for all the participants and many thanks go to Bruce Routledge DPGM of Nottinghamshire for organising the event with a modest donation for the Nottinghamshire Mark Benevolent fund being raised.

 The Magic of the Mark Degree 

The Provincial Grand Master R.W. Bro. S. C. Hallberg invites all Master Masons in the Province to join him and his Team at the Regular Meeting of the St Oswald's Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 387, on Tuesday 14th November 2023.
The highlight of the evening will be a presentation of the delights of the Mark Order and the Magic of the Mark Degree.   All Mark Members from across the Province are invited to attend and bring along a member of the Craft who has not yet experienced this happy order.
MARK MASTER MASONS bringing a Craft MASTER MASON will each be entitled to a free supper!   Numbers are limited so please book early by contacting the Provincial Grand Membership Officer  W. Bro. Phil Spicksley  P.Pr.G.S.W.
We hope to see you there.

Thanks for Donation

I was delighted to join Jade Dyer at the Prostate Cancer UK offices yesterday with the President of the MBF, Archie Torrance and his wife, Maggie. In June I was gifted £500 by the Lincolnshire Mark Masons after delivering a presentation at their Royal Ark Mariner Annual Assembly in Skegness with the request to donate to my choice of charity. With so many of my friends and colleagues going through the terrible experience of this sometimes aggressive cancer there was really only one choice. It was encouraging to hear of the work of the charity and the strides they have made in recent years, but also to know first hand of the obstacles that they encounter on a regular basis. Such a worthwhile and necessary charity to support. My heartfelt thanks to the Brethren of the Lincolnshire Province and their Provincial Grand Master, Steve Hallberg for your very kind gesture - I hope you approve!

Darren Coleman-HealdCharities Manager at Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.

 Mark Grand Lodge

Brethren, Mark Grand Lodge will be held on Tuesday, 12 September 2023 at Freemasons' Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ at 2 p.m and booking is now taking place.
Lincolnshire will have 3 Brethren receiving preferment at the meeting and it would be great to see a good contingent attending to support them and our R.W. Provincial Grand Master.
Those receiving honours are:
W. Bro. Bob Patterson to PGJO (and who therefore becomes a V. W. Brother);
W. Bro. Colin Fox to PGSD;
W. Bro. Peter Dolby to PGJD.
Please advise of your apology, attendance and/or dining requirements via the registration page at
***You will need to know your MMH number to complete the registration***


Barbeque Sunday Lunch


Leonard  Anderson Lodge of Installed Mark Masters no.1412 50th celebrations

50th celebrations are always memorable occasions and this certainly proved to be the case at the recent meeting of Leonard Anderson Lodge of Installed Mark Masters no.1412 which was held at the excellent venue of Louth Masonic Hall with 92 Brethren and Ladies being present to mark the anniversary of its consecration in 1973.

To mark the occasion, the current Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Arthur Baxter donated a new bible cushion to the Lodge, the dedication of which formed a large part of the formal proceedings with the ladies joining the Brethren in the Lodge room to witness and enjoy the ceremony.

Our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was in attendance with a good number of his Provincial team and after processing in with his Officers, promptly took the gavel from the Worshipful Master in order to start the celebratory proceedings with a short resume of what was going on in 1973 when the Lodge was consecrated – he himself had just left school to take up articles as an Accountant and subsequently received his first wage packet of £36 for the month.

W. Bro. Geoff Tuckett, the Provincial Chaplain then delivered an excellent and informative oration with particular reference to Leonard Anderson and the origins of the Lodge which was warmly received by all the attendees following which the cushion was dedicated by the Provincial Grand Master according to time honoured tradition.

The formalities were concluded following which all retired for an excellent Festive Board before heading home with many happy memories of a special and really memorable meeting- looking forward to the 100th !!!

Further facts from 1973, taken from the PGM's address:
The average annual salary was £1539.
A Ford Cortina would set you back £1285 , the average price of a house was £9,900.
Bread was 11p for a loaf, milk was 5 1⁄2 p for a pint but getting closer to the things that were relevant to my just turned 18 years of age, beer was 18p per pint and petrol was 39p per gallon. That kept my Lambretta Li150 scooter on the road.
It was the year of industrial discontent and the 3 day week, the UK entered the EEC and Motorola performed the first successful test of a hand-held mobile phone. They looked like
a brick if you recall?

Personal computers were some way away at the time.

I bet you now feel old !!!!!!!!

Provincial Draw

Drawn at

Leonard Anderson Lodge of Installed Mark Masters






Provincial Grand Master


Prize Tally:



Ticket No.




£              200.00


B Nicholson

St. Swithun's


£              150.00


D Harness

St. Swithun's


£              125.00


M Holmes

Earl of Scarborough


£              100.00


H Jackson

Spurn & Humber


£                 75.00


M Cockburn

St. Guthlac

Remember - you've got to be in it to win it!!!

100th Birthday Celebration

A Grand Day out with a special ending for the Provincial Grand Master S.C. Hallberg. The P.G.M. was up early this morning to drive to Northampton with W. Bro. Phil Spicksley his Membership Officer, to witness the Installation of the New Provincial Grand Master for the Mark Province of Northampton, Huntingdon and Bedford R.W. Bro. John David Sowerby. The ceremony was an excellent example of an installation and carried out by the Deputy Grand Master R.W.Bro. Francis Charles Spencer.

The drive home was extended by a detour back to North Lincolnshire via Boston where our P.G.M. surprised W. Bro. Walter Beard P.G.J.D. who was celebrating his 100th Birthday.

Walter was so pleased to see Steve that he was almost brought to tears on his arrival.

As you can see from the photographs he was presented a birthday card from our P.G.M. (and all members of the Lincolnshire Mark Province) to mark this special birthday, it was almost as special as the card he had already received their Majesties The King and Queen.

Walter is in good spirit and has no intention of, as he said 'Departing from this mortal earth'.
Happy Birthday Walter, and many more to come dear Brother'.



We would like to congratulate HRH Prince Michael of Kent on the (delayed) celebration of his 40th year as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.
The MW Grand Master presided over an excellent meeting of Grand Mark Lodge where the active Officers for the ensuing year and the first appointments were invested.

A Grand Day Out

On the 13 June at the Mark Grand Lodge – June Investiture, over 3000 Mark Master Masons were present with 1300 dining afterwards.

The day was presided over by M. W. Bro His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO celebrating 40 years as Grand Master. It was an amazing day from start to finish and with 40 Lincolnshire Mark Master Masons present to witness the following Brethren receiving their honours:
Brian McDonough - Grand Steward
Neil Hollingsworth – Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
Derek Perkins – Past Assistant Grand Sword Bearer
Andrew Marston – Past Grand Standard Bearer

Pictures show the Lincolnshire Mark Master Masons enjoying a delicious meal and great company.


If you haven’t been to a Mark Grand Lodge Meeting, put it on to your "to do list", it is guaranteed you will not be disappointed.

 2023 Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly 

The 2023 Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly took place at Skegness Masonic Hall on Saturday the 3rd June with the RW Provincial Grand Master, Stephen Hallberg presiding over the meeting.

One hundred and seventeen Brethren and partners were present along with a number of Distinguished Guests including W. Bro. Darren Coleman–Heald, The Charities Manager from Mark Masons Hall.

The PGM undertook the usual business of the Assembly including the investing of the Brethren receiving honours, following which W. Bro. Coleman-Heald gave the assembled Brethren and Ladies an illuminating and interesting talk about the charitable aims, activities and workings of the Mark Benevolent Fund, which he oversees amongst other Masonic Charities associated with the Companion Orders administered from MMH.

The talk was well received by all present and served to explain how the Charity money donated by the Brethren was distributed and utilised and to further emphasise the excellent and continuing work undertaken on their behalf. The RW Provincial Grand Master took the opportunity to say a sincere thank you to Darren, for both travelling a long distance to be with us and also for giving the talk by donating a cheque of £500 to him for a charity of his personal choice.

Picture shows the PGM, RW Bro. Stephen Hallberg, accompanied by his Deputy PGM, W. Bro. Stephen Roberts, presenting the cheque to W. Bro. Darren Coleman-Heald, who advised the money will be donated to Prostate Cancer UK, a most fitting recipient.

Following the closing of the Assembly, all retired for a convivial and enjoyable festive board to conclude a very successful and happy day.

Many thanks to all the Committee and staff at the Skegness Masonic Hall for their welcome and assistance in making the day one to remember.

One of several highlights of the Lincolnshire Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assemby held on Saturday 3rd June 2023 at Skegness Masonic Hall, was the presentation of a hand crafted model of the Ark to the PGM, R W Bro Stephen Hallberg by Bro. Bill Isherwood.

Bill is a member of St Wilfrid,'s Lodge RAM, no. 209 in the Mark Province of Lincolnshire and made the model as a gesture of thanks to the PGM following his 3 year tenure as the Provincial Tyler / Warder.

The model was gratefully accepted with thanks by the PGM who advised that it would be handed into the care of the Ark Lodge RAM, no. 1910 and put on display each year, at future meetings of the Assembly.

 Haven Lodge MMM - Installation

The Installation meeting took place on Friday 2 June at the Masonic Centre, Cleethorpes. 

Bro Steve Sykes was Installed by W.Bro Mike Stylianou. A brilliant ceremony and Festive Board with just under 50 Mark Master Masons in attendance. 

W.Bro Trevor Knight was the personal representative of the Provincial Grand Master here shown congratulating W.Bro Steve Sykes following the ceremony. 

The group picture features many of the Officers appointed for 2023/4 and others attending.

The Haven Lodge is a very happy Lodge and welcoming to visiting Brethren.  Their next meeting is on the first Friday in October and they would be delighted if you would like to join them. Interested?

Contact: The Lodge Secretary 

 One not to be missed

The Leonard Anderson Lodge of Mark Masters No 1412 is 50 years old this year and members will be celebrating the Anniversary at a special Lodge meeting to be held on Thursday 29th June 2023 at Louth Masonic Centre.
Obviously this is a time for special celebration for the Worshipful Master W. Bro. A. Baxter PGJD  and all the members and it is their wish that Mark Masons across the Province should join them at their meeting.
We will be welcoming our wives and partners for the celebration meeting during which time the Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. S. C. Hallberg will be dedicating a new Lodge Bible Cushion.
Numbers are limited however if you are interested in joining us for our meeting or would like to know more about this Mark Masters Lodge please contact me  W. Bro. Spicksley, PProvGSW, Provincial Grand Membership Officer. (Lodge Secretary) 

MCF 2025 Festival Donation

A great meeting of the Lincolnshire Provincial Officers Lodge, no. 1910 was held last night under the direction of the Acting WM, W. Bro. Ian Castledine with 48 attendees including 6 joining members.
Highlights of the evening were the address/open forum by the RW Provincial Grand Master Stephen Hallberg and the presentation of a cheque for £500 to the Rt W Provincial Master of the Craft, David Wheeler, a member of the Lodge and the current Grand Deputy Sword Bearer.
The cheque which was gratefully received by Rt W Brother Wheeler is a further donation towards the MCF 2025 Festival as part of the ongoing support from the Mark Province of Lincolnshire to the Craft.
Remember Brethren, a strong Craft means a strong Mark so continue to support your Craft Lodges.
The picture shows the presentation of the cheque by W. Bro. Castledine to Rt W Brother Wheeler along with RW Brother Hallberg and W. Bro. Mike Robinson, the Lodge Charity Steward.

The Traveling Sceptre now at St. Mary Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners

The Traveling Sceptre was successfully claimed last night by W.Bro Riggall, the current Worshipful Commander of the St. Mary Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners

If you want to arrange a visit to try and claim the Sceptre for your Lodge the next meeting of the St Mary Lodge is on Tuesday 24th October 2023

On the left, we see W.Bro Wrisdale happily handing the Sceptre over to W.Bro Riggall


Travelling Gavel – NOW RESIDING at NENE Lodge (SLEAFORD)  next meeting 28th Sept

A great night was held in Scunthorpe on Tuesday night to witness W.Bro David Carswell install his successor WBro Chris Rimmington. Among the visitors were 9 members of the Nene Lodge who travelled from Sleaford to watch this ceremony, and claim the Gavel.

Nene Lodge were successful and here we see W.Bro Chris Rimmington handing over the gavel to W.Bro Roger Burrell the WM of Nene Lodge.

Why not arrange a trip to Sleaford on Thursday 28th September and try to take the gavel home with you?


Prize Drawer Winners

Brethren, here are the results of the Q1 Provincial prize draw:

£200 Adrian Joyce St. Matthew
£150 Steve Siddle Spurn and Humber
£125 John Stead Bayons
£100 Nigel Winn Spurn and Humber
£75 Mike Bull White Stone

Many congratulations to the winners.

The draw has established itself as a valuable asset to the Province, not only serving to assist in charitable donations (both to the Provincial Charity fund and the MBF) but also to helping in the running of the Provincial finances, both with respect to the annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge and in keeping the annual Provincial fees, payable per member, to a minimum.

Many thanks to the current participants for their continued support.

If you are not currently a member but would wish to join the draw, please contact W. Bro. Andy Carr, our Deputy Provincial Secretary and Draw Administrator who would be more than pleased to send the necessary form, or download the form HERE.


First Team Visit of the New Season to Haven RAM

On Thursday 6th April 2023, the Provincial Grand Master was enthusiastically accompanied by 20 ,members of the new Provincial Team to the Haven Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners.  Brethren travelled from across the county to a most enjoyable evening to witness W.Bro Darlaston installed as the new Worshipful Commander by W.Bro Neil Charlesworth who did a superb job in handing over the ship after two years in the role. W.Bro Darlaston then installed his officers for the ensuing year.

A fine festive board of Prawn Cocktail and Lamb was concluded with the PGM congratulating brethren who are to receive Grand Rank in the Mark this year.:

First appointments in June:
Brian McDonough Grand Steward
Neil Hollingsworth PAGDC
Derek Perkins PAGSwdB
Tony Marston PGStdB

September promotions:
Bob Paterson PGJO
Colin Fox PGSD
Peter Dolby PGJD

Lincolnshire Provincial Grand Lodge, 25th March 2023

Address from the Provincial Grand Master:

Brethren: A warm welcome to Lincolnshire and to our Provincial Grand Lodge meeting . Thank you all for attending today , particularly our friends from other Provinces who have travelled extremely long distances to be with us .

Following a brief period of mourning for our sadly departed Deputy Prov. Grand Master V W Bro. Ron Harrison I was pleased to appoint and invest W Bro. Steve Roberts as Dep PGM on 27th May last year at Louth, in the Lincolnshire Provincial Officers’ Lodge , he had served 10 years, first as Deputy then Provincial Secretary- I thought he needed a rest ! . It was a very well attended meeting with some added support from our good friends and near neighbours from Leicestershire & Rutland and Nottinghamshire. Phil and Chris , I thank you very much for taking the time to be with us then and again today. It demonstrates our great mutual support which is greatly appreciated and long may it continue . W Bro Neil Hollingsworth was immediately promoted on that night to Provincial Grand Secretary and I very much appreciate the effort Neil has put in , getting up to speed with the onerous duties and challenges that position entails. This is his first Provincial Lodge and I know he has risen to the challenge- thank you Neil on behalf of all of us.

Today also marks the beginning of a new chapter in this Province when W Bro Jack Geelhoed gives way to W Bro Philip Aitken to assume the position of Assistant Provincial Grand Master. Jack- I appreciate and thank you publicly for all you have done over the last four years and particularly the recognition received when visiting other Provinces both here and overseas. However we have to look to the future and particularly to develop initiatives in improving communications and addressing the continual challenge of maintaining memberships. W Bro Phil Aitken is well qualified to help me in achieving these goals.

We have undertaken 14 team visits since Provincial Grand Lodge in 2022. On each occasion we have received the warmest of welcomes and were pleased to officiate at the centenary meeting of St. Mary Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners on the 23rd July- a wonderful event involving the dedication of a beautiful full size (and beautifully engraved) triangle and a new porphry stone. Our wives and partners were there to witness the ceremony and a great day was had by all.

We also had the pleasure to attend the sesqui-centenary (or 150th ) anniversary of Remigius Lodge of Mark Master Masons on Thursday 29th September at Lincoln. We were honoured to have the company of today’s special guest R W Bro Denny Wilson Asst Grand Master. He told me at the time he enjoyed the visit and I have no reason to doubt him- Sir- we hope today’s visit is going to be equally pleasurable? The prize of best attender on team visits must go to W Bro Denzil John our retiring Provincial Grand Sword Bearer in the year just ended who did not miss one of those meetings- such dedication deserves a special mention.

To round off a truly memorable year four of us attended the District Grand Lodge of Spain in Benidorm on the first Saturday in February- the weather was kind and we sat in temperatures around 18 degrees to consume our pre-luncheon drinks. It was a very enjoyable weekend away and may find some momentum in the future with perhaps a little more advance notice to our Lincolnshire Brethren?

Our Province will reach its 150th anniversary in November 2024- next year- arrangements are already being made to hold an event here at the Epic Centre to mark this milestone in our history and more information will follow over the coming months.

Our recovery post pandemic in Lincolnshire continues to be patchy with some Lodges having several candidates being Advanced or Elevated- I have seen double Advancements and (two) Triple Elevation ceremonies . The Registrar’s report and statistics indicate Royal Ark Mariners are doing extremely well and holding steady , the Mark causes me some disappointment. On a positive note I believe once people are in our fantastic Mark degree they are then taking the step in to Royal Ark Mariners – beautiful in its simplicity, and long may that trend continue.

I do believe there has also been an element of Lodge Secretaries catching up on KOL to record deaths and resignations post pandemic. Eight of our Mark Lodges managed no Advancements to August 22- but I can tell you Brethren from my experience in another Order- I asked two people to join. That has grown to four! My message is- start asking people to join us. You will be amazed how many will willingly say ‘’yes’’ and how many will say ‘’I’ve never been asked’’ !

If every person in a Lodge leaves it to everyone else to encourage candidates then nothing will happen. I challenge every one of you in this room today to encourage one person to join and any problems we have will be solved in the next three years.

Also encourage those prospective members to visit our website and the Magic of the Mark video which is there to be viewed . An email to them with a link to mmm lincs is all that is required. Likewise download the trifold leaflets about Mark and Royal Ark Mariners- give them to people showing an interest in joining us. I have today taken the step of creating a brand new position of Membership Officer. Thankfully our retiring Senior Warden Phil Spicksley, who has represented me with distinction this year, has agreed to undertake this arduous task. Already Phil has been instrumental in organising white table events and Talks to give assistance to struggling Lodges. I hope every one of you will give him , me, and the Province every bit of help you can. The challenge remains- to recover ground lost during the pandemic- and no time should be lost in doing so.

An ‘’awareness night’’ to demonstrate the Magic of the Mark will be happening in November in Scunthorpe at the St Oswald’s Lodge on the second Tuesday and I am hoping we can organise something in the South also. We are serious about recruitment and retention and you will see things happening in the coming months. It will be a great opportunity for you to take a Craft Master Mason who is not yet a member of our Order for a free supper for you both and learn something about what we have to offer, which I’m sure you will agree is something special?

We continue despite adversities to keep up our support for the forthcoming Festivals in the same way others supported us- we have again this year donated another £5000 to the Craft 2025 Festival and also supported West Yorkshire’s Festival cumulating in July this year - Jim – my wife and I will be with you in July at Harrogate and I hope your result is one you can be proud of- I’m sure it will . Brethren we have also contributed £5,000 to Cheshire’s MBF Festival in 2024 which means we are now well ahead in our charitable giving.

To this end I ask you all to continue making donations to our Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Fund with gift aid envelope collections. Closely linked to this charitable giving is our quarterly Mark Prize Draw - I encourage all those participating to continue to do so. Not only does it distribute great prizes , it gives us the ability to fund both our Provincial Grand Lodge in this magnificent setting it also provides funds for Festival donations, something we can be very proud of.

Turning to Grand Mark Lodge : we were pleased to attend at the June Investitures and see W Bro Ray Wade receive promotion to the active rank of Deputy Grand Insp of Works, our Craft PGM W Bro Dave Wheeler promoted to Deputy Grand Sword Bearer- and Dave- I note you were on active duty in Durham for the Installation of R W Bro. David Hanson looking very smart in your chain of office. I’m sure our friends from Durham wouldn’t mind me saying it could have been somewhere abroad? - nice and warm with blue skies and sea- but I guess Gateshead was equally enjoyable?

W Bro Mike Allen received a first appointment as P. A. G. Sword Bearer and our resident Organist W Bro Graham Steen as P. G. Std Bearer. In September W Bro Phil Aitken was promoted to PGJD- all richly deserved.

In December at the Royal Ark Mariner Assembly we saw W Brothers Neil Hollingsworth, Roger Bacon and Terry Wallhead receive promotions to Grand rank in the ancient and honourable fraternity .

Lastly I congratulate all Provincial Officers appointed, promoted and invested today and remind each and every one how very important the rank is- you will be looked up to for an example of good order and practice, and for that reason I ask you set high standards for yourselves and all those around you.

Provincial Grand Lodge requires a tremendous amount of organisation and once again I do sincerely thank our hard working Provincial team for all their efforts in making today possible and White Stone Lodge , Lincoln, for their ever present support. Thank you all for getting today to run so smoothly.

We can all now do a great deal to promote our two Orders of Mark and Royal Ark Mariner, both beautiful in their own rights. Essential to this of course is ensuring our Craft Lodges remain vibrant and providing the right men to join us. Remember to ask and you will be pleasantly surprised at the answer.

I continue to be thankful to you all for the great privilege of being your Provincial Grand Master and wish you continued happiness in our Mark & Royal Ark Mariner Masonry.

May the Great Overseer of the Universe Bless you All
Mark well.

Provincial Grand Master
25th March 2023.


Mark Grand Lodge

Tuesday, the 7th March saw 12 Lincolnshire Mark Brethren travelling to Freemasons' Hall in Great Queen Street  to join with some 500 others from across the country for a regular meeting of Mark Grand Lodge.


The March meeting is usually reserved to undertake the main business of Grand Lodge apart from the annual first appointments and promotions to Grand rank but on this occasion, it was also used to highlight the amazing and in some cases, vital work of the Mark Benevolent Fund, the principal charity of the Mark degree.

It was particularly enjoyable to see our Provincial Grand  Master of the Craft, W. Bro. Dave Wheeler and W. Bro. Ray Wade paraded in with the Active Officers as the Deputy Grand Sword Bearer and  Deputy Grand Inspector of Works respectively
Following the completion of the business, Grand Lodge was 'called off' and the brethren attending were joined by representatives of a number of the recipient Charities who paraded in to loud and heartfelt applause. The charities involved were chosen from across a broad spectrum and included a foodbank, a wheelchair rugby club, a Mountain rescue team and several Cancer charities.

A presentation was viewed following which several of the recipients also gave their personal thanks to Grand Lodge with the total donations in 2022 amounting to £1,108,300.

Of particular note in an emotional and inspiring speech, was a Lady, who in conjunction with the District of Romania was affording great and welcome assistance to a good number of displaced Ukrainian women and their children who had fled the conflict without any possessions.

The Grand Lodge was 'called back on' and was then addressed by MW Bro. Johnathan Spence, the Pro Grand Master of the Craft who gave a further inspiring talk with an introduction to the new strategy of UGLE which was to be implemented under his guidance and leadership. Of particular interest was his stated wish and intention to move forward with all the Companion Masonic Orders to the benefit of all Freemasons, a truly bold and welcome commitment.

Following the closing, all the Brethren retired to the Connaught Rooms for a happy and enjoyable Festive board amongst friends before making our way home.

The next meeting of Mark Grand Lodge is scheduled for Tuesday the 13th of June at which the recipients being awarded a first appointment to Grand Rank will be invested.

Brethren are reminded that ALL Mark Master Masons are permitted and encouraged to attend Grand Lodge, regardless of your rank - why not join us ?

 St Denys hand over the Sceptre!

A cracking night was held at the Installation meeting of St Denys Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners in Sleaford where 24 visitors arrived to watch W Bro Roger Burrell install his successor, W Bro Roly Freeman as Worshipful Commander, though there WAS an ulterior motive behind some of the visitors - St Denys held the Travelling Gavel!

Both St Wilfrids of Alford, and St Oswalds of Scunthorpe had brought a plethora of Brethren with the hope of wrestling the Gavel from St Denys grasp and the worthy winners were St Wilfrids, and Bro Andrew Wrisdale, their Senior Warden gleefully accepted the gavel from the Worshipful Commander.

The whole evening was one of great fun and friendship, exactly what the travelling Sceptre (and Gavel) were designed to promote!

Why not head off to St Wilfrids on April 24th with your Lodge to claim it!

Bro Andrew Wrisdale accepting the gavel from W.Bro Roly Freeman!

Another Excellent Active Officers Dinner

On Friday 17th February, the Harbour Lights Restaraunt at Burton Waters hosted the 3rd Lincolnshire Mark Active Provincial Officers Dinner, a night where the Provincial Team for the year get together with their wives and partners to thank them for their support over the past year

Fifty two Brethren and ladies sat down to an excellent meal with a few drinks and lots of chatter and laughter, a perfect end to an excellent year together!

The PGM, R.W. Bro. Steve Hallberg said a few words of thanks to everyone present for making the year run smoothly for him, his Deputy, W Bro Steve Roberts and his Assistant, W Bro Jack Geelhoed.

Another great night together.


50 + years of Mark Masonry

The last Provincial Team visit of this year was to St Matthews at Barton was an extra special one for W Bro John Rowbottom. The Provincial Grand Master surprised W Bro John Reid, the Worshipful Master when he accepted the Gavel and took the chair.

The Provincial Grand Master then addressed the Brethren regarding W Bro Rowbottoms time in Mark Masonry and thanked him for his service to mark Masonry in general but in particular to St Matthews MMM No 1239, which he joined on December 14th 1970.

He also became a RAM in 1984, joining Bayons RAM Lodge No 1365, then in 1995 becoming a founder member of The Haven RAM Lodge in Cleethorpes in 1995.

The PGM then present John with his 50 years certificate which was gratefully received.

(R.W. Bro. Stephen Hallberg presents the 50 Yr Certificate to W. Bro John Rowbottom)


The Brethren were then treated to an interesting lecture on the 'Symbols on the Mark Tracing Board' by W. Bro Keith Lacey and once the Lodge was closed, an excellent festive board was enjoyed by everyone

St Matthews Brethren with W Bro John Rowbottom

2022/23 Provincial Team with W.Bro John Rowbottom

 Provincial Grand Lodge MMM Lincolnshire 2023 

Your summons to the Provincial Grand Lodge MMM Lincolnshire meeting for 2023 will be out shortly, but if you are wanting to get your meal booking in ASAP, you can download the MEAL BOOKING FORM HERE

The meeting will take place, as usual, at the Epic Centre, Lincolnshire Showground, Lincoln. SATURDAY 25th MARCH 2023.

A Wonderful Night At Heneage RAM

Heneage RAM Lodge No 188 was the latest Lodge to receive the Provincial Grand Master  and his Team and what a treat the Lodge had in store for the Team - a TRIPLE Elevation! In total, 46 Brethren attended and there was a real buzz about the Lodge.

Starting earlier than usual due to the slightly more complicated ceremony, Brothers Andy Green, George Bragasi and Alan Todd became Royal Ark Mariners in an excellent ceremony with some beautiful ritual undertaken by the members of Heneage. Three candidates is NOT something you see very often.

Following the meeting, the Festive Board was exactly what we expect at Mark and RAM meetings, fun, friendship and good food - the room was filled with happy smiling faces!

Our PGM, R.W.Bro Steve Hallberg (Centre) with (L-R) Bro George Bragasi,

Bro Andy Green, PGM, Bro Alan Todd and WC, W.Bro Mick Boulton


Weekend in Benidorm for the Province of Spain PGL!

On February 3rd, our Provincial Grand Master and his wife Angie, together with APGM W Bro Jack Geelhoed, PGSW W Bro Phil Spicksley and PGJW, W Bro Maurice Cockburn headed off to the sunshine of Benidorm for the weekend to attend the Provincial Grand Lodge of Spain and what an experience it was!

The celebrations began on the Friday with a really interesting talk on the battle of Trafalgar, by Mark Smith, of Antiques Roadshow fame, followed by a drinks reception held by the PGM of Spain, R.W. Bro. Barrie Mansell, which was a great opportunity to chat and relax with many other Brethren from the UK.

On the Saturday morning, it was the PGL which was a wonderful experience , with the proceedings conducted in both Spanish and English.

The Festive Board was an equally wonderful experience, with delicious Spanish food including numerous Tapas dishes, surrounded by friends and Brothers and after the proceedings concluded, the rest of the weekend was spent relaxing in the sunshine!

This event is open to ALL Mark Master Masons and our PGM hopes to take a bigger party next year!


The Travelling Gavel is at St Oswald's MMM

The Travelling Gavel is residing once again at St Oswalds Mark Lodge in Scunthorpe, its 'Spiritual Home' and if any Mark Lodge would like to claim it, the next meeting of St Oswalds is on Tuesday 14th March. Your Lodge Secretary has a copy of the summons, so why not try to claim it in time for Provincial Grand Lodge on March 25th.

The Worshipful Master of the Lodge holding the Gavel has the honour of presenting it to the Provincial Grand Master at PGL.

So why not get a team together and head up to sunny Scunny - remember its based on Masonic Miles, which is a sum of the Number of Brethren from a Lodge multiplied by the Distance between Masonic Centres (compiled from Google maps).

 The Travelling Gavel goes 'home'

15 Brethren from St Oswalds Lodges of Mark Master Masons successfully raided Nene Lodge to reclaim the gavel and return it to Scunthorpe where the Gavel was originally launched by the late W. Bro. Alan Birkett. The Gavel was introduced to encourage visiting between Mark Lodges and this has certainly proved to be the case, as it has been all over the Province.

The meeting was the Installation meeting of W.Bro. Roger Burrell and was also a Provincial Team Visit, so together with the Brethren from Scunthorpe, plus 11 from St Matthews at Barton and 3 from White Stone in Lincoln, the total number of visitors was an incredible 41, swelling the numbers attending to 66.

W.Bro. Colin Fox of St Oswalds receives the Gavel from W.Bro. Roger Burrell


St Wilfrids RAM - A VERY happy Burns Night!

Around 90 Brethren including the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Stephen Charles Hallberg and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Steve Roberts, met at the Alford Masonic Centre for the traditional Burns night meeting.

The Brethren were treated to some wonderful Bagpipe music supplied by Pipe Major Finlay MacGee, who then went on the give the Address to the Haggis in true Scottish Style.

The meeting was presided over by the Worshipful Commander, W.Bro.Harjit Bains, and in response his toast, the PGM addressed the Brethren and announced the Wardens for the ensuing year as W. Bro. Barry Harriman as Senior Warden, and W. Bro. Simon Butler as Junior Warden.

Another great night at St Wilfrids!

An eventful night at Remigius Lodge RAM 117 saw a few firsts and lasts. W.Bro David Pattison announced he was stepping down as the Lodge Liaison Officer after 10 years, W.Bro Chris Oates on his first official visit as the Provincial Grand Senior Warden announced he is to become the next Lodge Liaison Officer. Worshipful Brother David Wheeler on his last full meeting as Worshipful Commander Elevated three Candidates, Alexander Peadon, William Gregory and David Willets. The Senior Warden Bro Mike Clay was elected as the next Worshipful Commander. W.Bro Terry Wallhead the new Provincial Junior Warden and the Lodge Chaplin at his first meeting since his appointment. Bro’s Stephen Ellicker and David Willets both Elevated at a double ceremony at the last meeting received their Grand Lodge Certificates.
