Latest News
This week, the MBF Worthy Causes initiative helped the Lincoln MS Centre with a donation to replace an automatic door to the premises enabling easier access for wheelchair users.
The RW Provincial Grand Master is pictured presenting a cheque to Christine Gray, the centre Chairman and committee members, along with W. Bros Mick Stocker, the Provincial Charity Steward, Neil Hollingsworth, the Provincial Secretary and Giles Harvey of Remigius Lodge 117, who highlighted their plight and brought the application to fruition.
A relatively small donation, monetary wise in some ways when compared to others which the MBF support but one which will undoubtedly prove to be invaluable to the centre and it's users.
The MBF and the Mark Province of Lincolnshire continue to Mark Well.
This year’s GRAND MASTER’S LODGES OF INSTRUCTION FESTIVAL will be held at The Masonic Hall, Cambridge Road, Grimsby, Lincolnshire DN34 5SZ on 29 April and is this year, being hosted by the Mark Masonic Province of Lincolnshire, with RW Bro Stephen Charles Hallberg, Provincial Grand Master, as its President.
What is this Festival?
It is an annual event, hosted by different provinces, and consists of demonstrations of both the Royal Ark Mariner Degree and the Mark Degree ceremonies by the GMLOI team. These demonstrations, with an exceptional standard of ritual that include the Royal Ark Mariner Tracing Board as well as the Lecture on the Degree of Mark Master Mason, will be conducted with “live” candidates who will be formally advanced into the Mark degree and elevated into the Royal Ark Mariner degree.
The Royal Ark Mariner degree will be hosted by Bayons Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, No. 1365 and Bro Richard Hollingsworth is the candidate to be elevated. The Mark degree will be hosted by St. Matthew Lodge of MMM, No. 1239 and the candidate to be advanced will be Bro Eric Whitworth.
This is a major event in this year’s masonic calendar. It is hoped, therefore, that the event will be supported in strength not only by all the brethren in Lincolnshire but also from other Provinces around the country.
It is also anticipated that at least one of the Rulers of the Mark Degree will be present.
The event is expected to commence at 12.00 noon with The Festival Dinner planned for 5.00pm and a close at or around 7.30pm. The cost will be £20.00 per head.
A booking form is available HERE or from your lodge secretary and as there is limited seating of 150, it is suggested that you book early!

Get a raiding party together from your lodge and claim the Travelling Gavel or Sceptre.
Gavel – 14th Jan St Oswald’s MMM– Scunthorpe
Sceptre – 22nd March – St Oswald’s RAM Scunthorpe
Mark Drawer Winners
Congratulations to the following Brethren on their good fortune before Christmas:
Drawn at
Remigius MMM
Remigius WM
Prize Tally:
£ 200.00
John Sharpe
St. Wilfrid's
£ 150.00
Peter Isaac
White Stone
£ 125.00
Alan Petherbridge
£ 100.00
David Richardson
St. Wilfrid's
£ 75.00
Phil Aitken
St. Oswald's
The Provincial Grand Master sincerely hopes that all members of the Province will actively support the draw if possible., as an easy way to support the aims of our Order and worthy causes.
If you want to be in with a chance of winning a prize, simply download the form on this page, fill in the few details and post if off (details on form). If you already play but want to have a greater chance of winning then you only need to amend your standing order by £5 per ticket.
You've got to be in it to win it!
Lincs MMM Draw application form and a standing order
60 Years of Mark Masonry

W.Bro Duncan Cameron of Remigius Lodge 117 was surprised to receive his 60 year Certificate in the Mark Degree from W.Bro Neil Hollingsworth at the Lodges December meeting in Lincoln. W.Bro Cameron the Lodges Organist was Advanced into the Mark Degree in ‘XI Lodge’ Scottish Constitution in 1962. W.Bro Cameron is seen here being congratulated by W.Bro Hollinsworth, the Worshipful Master W.Bro Steve Smith and the Provincial Wardens W.Bro Chris Oates and W.Bro Terry Wallhead.
Patron of the Grand Master's Keystone Fund
Delighted and very proud to advise that the Mark Province of Lincolnshire is now a Patron of the Grand Master's Keystone Fund in both the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner degrees following our recent donation of £20,000 from the Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Association (LMBA), which was presented by our RW Provincial Grand Master to the MW Pro Grand Master at the recent Sesquicentenary celebration.
The donation to the Pro Grand Master was a 'package' donation incorporating that to the Keystone Fund along with further donations to the MBF Festival Funds of various other Provinces
At the Quarterly Communications in June 2023, the name and purpose of the '150th Anniversary Keystone Fund' was changed to "The Grand Master's Keystone Fund" to celebrate our Grand Master, M.W.Bro. H.R.H. Prince Michael of Kent, G.C.V.O. having given forty years of service to Mark Masonry.
Initially, the purpose of the new fund is to grant awards to individuals to offer encouragement and financial support with their educational, vocational, and sporting achievements.
The Grand Master’s Keystone Fund is allied to and will be administered by the Mark Benevolent Fund Board of Trustees.
The collarettes were presented to the RW Provincial Grand Master last night at the Installation meeting of the Lincolnshire Provincial Officers Lodge no. 1910 (LPOL) which took place at the Louth Masonic Centre, by the Provincial Charity Steward, W. Bro. Mick Stocker.
Following the presentation, the PGM remarked of his delight at the support given by the Mark Brethren of Lincolnshire and that he would always wear the Collarettes with pride.
Grateful and heartfelt thanks to all the Lodges and Individuals who continue to donate and contribute to the LMBA, allowing the Province to make such a donation - not forgetting the participants of the Lincolnshire Mark prize draw who also make such a big difference to the funds of the LMBA.
Special thanks also to W. Bro. Stocker who works tirelessly and under the radar as Charity Steward.

The PGM being presented with the collarettes by W. Bro. Mick Stocker, the DPGM and W. Bro. Gary King, the newly installed Worshipful Master of LPOL, no. 1910

The presentation of the donation cheque to the Pro Grand Master and several of the collarettes and jewels.
Magic of the Mark Evening
On Wednesday 13th November the Provincial Grand Master R.W. Bro. S. C. Hallberg and his presentation team attended the Earl of Scarbrough MMM Lodge in Skegness.
After the lodge was called off 18 Craft members were treated to a presentation about the order.
Following answering some enthusiastic questions the Provincial Grand Master retired with our guests and enjoyed a wonderful festive board of roast lamb and sponge pudding.
This is the 3rd such event hosted by the Provincial Grand Master in the last 12 months and has seen over 80 Craft Masons being introduced to the delights of the order and 50% either being Advanced or in the process of joining our ranks.
The picture shows our RW PGM, along with the presentation team consisting of the DPGM, APGM and Prov. Membership Officer, accompanied by the Past PGM of Northants, Hunts and Beds, RW Bro. 'Bob' Stokes who was a welcome visitor to the event.
Spurn and Humber Lodge Bible Dedication
It may have been a cold night outside in Cleethorpes but inside the Masonic Hall, it was definitely warm and inviting.
The occasion was a meeting of Spurn and Humber Lodge MMM no.1199 with 42 Brethren attending, including the RW Provincial Grand Master, who was accompanied by 22 of his Provincial team - the main attraction being a dedication of a new Lodge bible by the PGM.
The new bible had been purchased and donated to the Lodge by W.Bro. Rod Rouse to replace the previous one which had been on continuous loan from Lord Worsley Craft Lodge since the consecration of the Spurn and Humber Lodge in 1956 - now that's what you call Masonic cooperation !!!
The PGM took the gavel from the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Alan Scholtz to undertake the dedication in a exemplary manner, ably assisted by W. Bro. Geoff Tuckett, the Provincial Chaplain, who gave a superb oration before relinquishing it back to the WM to conduct the regular business.
A very convivial and somewhat noisy festive board followed and all the brethren then retired into the cold night, having been a part of yet another great evening of Mark Masonry.
The RW PGM, Stephen Hallberg with the WM, W. Bro. Alan Scholtz;
The Provincial Senior and Junior Wardens, W. Bros. Chris Oates and Terry Wallhead;
The RW PGM with his Wardens along with a few of the festive board
Grand RAM Assembly
Brethren, the Grand RAM Assembly will take place on Monday, 9th December at Freemasons’ Hall in Great Queen Street, commencing at 12.30 pm.
Following the RAM team visit last tonight to Saint Denys Lodge RAM no. 427), I am directed by our RW Provincial Grand Master to announce that at this meeting, W. Bro. Anthony Marston (Saint Wilfrid’s Lodge RAM no. 209) and W. Bro. Colin Burke (Saint Swithun’s Lodge RAM no. 445 ) will both receive preferment to RAM Grand Rank. We heartily congratulate these Brethren on their forthcoming appointments and wish them well, both for the day and for the future in their new ranks.
The booking form for the meeting and the festive board is now available on the MMH website and your support for these Brethren and our RW Provincial Grand Master would be much appreciated – See you there.

The Province has now had confirmation that the three Grand Rulers,
the Pro Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master and the
Assistant Grand Master will all be in attendance at our celebration night.
In recognition of this we have decided to extend the opportunity to book until the end of play on Sunday 20th October.
Those who have booked or sent other messages DO NOT need to reply unless they wish to book further seats, with friends and partners.
Please contact W. Bro. Andy Carr, Deputy Secretary, for a booking form -
CELEBRATION on the occasion of the 150th ANNIVERSARY of the CONSECRATION of the Provincial Grand Lodge
to be held on Saturday, 9th November 2024
at the Epic Centre, Lincolnshire Showground, Grange-de-Lings, Lincoln LN2 2NA.
Dear Sir and Brother,
You are most cordially invited to a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the consecration of the Provincial Grand Lodge Mark Master Masons of Lincolnshire.
This is being hosted by the Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire, Right Worshipful Brother Stephen Charles Hallberg who would be delighted to welcome you on this occasion.
This invitation is extended to your partner, non-masonic guests and guests from other orders who may not be Mark Master Masons, who it is hoped you will invite along, all of whom will be most warmly welcomed.
The festive celebration at the Epic Centre will commence with a Violin reception including a complimentary glass of sparkling wine or juice, followed by a four-course Banquet accompanied with light string music after which world renowned entertainer Gary Williams’ Cabaret show will be performing for your entertainment.
During the evening Brethren will receive a specially commissioned history of the Province, accompanied by a unique Mark token cast for commemoration of the event and the Ladies will each receive a personal gift.
The essential details are:
The cost of the evening is £49.50 per person and is charged at cost of the meal only.
The Drinks Reception will start at 5.30pm and Dinner will be served promptly at 6.30pm.
Carriages should be set for 10.00 to 10.30pm.
Dress code for the evening is:
Brethren and Gentleman: Dinner Jacket/Black Tie.
Brethren who are Mark Master Masons should wear Collars or Chains of their Rank or Office (no aprons or jewels, no Hall Stone, Charity or Royal Ark Mariner collarettes)
Ladies: Cocktail Dress or Evening Gown
We look forward to a most special occasion not to be missed,
W.Bro Andy Carr,
for and on behalf of R.W.Bro. Stephen Charles Hallberg, Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire.

Mark Drawer - Winners
Drawn on 16/09/2024 by the WM at White Stone MMM
Prize Tally:
£ 200.00
A Austin
St. Botolph's
£ 150.00
B Robinson
St. Matthew
£ 125.00
C Brader
£ 100.00
T Knight
Spurn & Humber
£ 75.00
B Foster
White Stone
The Provincial Grand Master sincerely hopes that all members of the Province will actively support the draw if possible., as an easy way to support the aims of our Order and worthy causes.
If you want to be in with a chance of winning a prize, simply download the form on this page, fill in the few details and post if off (details on form). If you already play but want to have a greater chance of winning then you only need to amend your standing order by £5 per ticket.
You've got to be in it to win it!
Lincs MMM Draw application form and a standing order
Inter Province Fishing Match
On Sunday 11th August Lincolnshire hosted a return fishing match with Nottinghamshire at Froghall Fisheries, Legbourne, Louth. The weather was baking hot full sun with a brisk breeze.

The PGM is pictured presenting Bro. Jason Henfrey from the Notts team with his prize winnings for BOTH biggest fish ( an 11lb carp) AND biggest total catch ( 38lb 10oz). The two teams' weights were slightly closer with Notts winning out 55lb 2oz vs 49lb 4oz for Lincs. Hey hoe we always have 2025 to set things right?
The PGM did suggest to W Bro. Bruce Routledge DPGM they might like to leave Jason at home the next time we meet!

A good day was had by all and the bond between out two Provinces remains as strong as ever, and to put icing on the cake £60 was sent to our LMBA Charity account from entry fees.
Visit to Gainsborough Old Hall
The Leonard Anderson Lodge of Mark Masters No1412 What a wonderful meeting we had at Gainsborough on Thursday 20th June.
The W.M. W.Bro. Colin Fox led from the front to a lodge of over 30 members and guests. 10 new members proposed and to be balloted for with two more to add in September.

After a short lodge and business, we attended the Gainsborough Old Hall for a guided tour before returning to the Masonic Hall for a Summer Festive Board of 3 meat salad and Strawberries and cream.

If you are a WM. of the Mark Degree you are invited to join the Lodge and enjoy our outings in the future to see other buildings of interest around Lincolnshire.
The Lodge meets in June and September.
For more details contact W.Bro. Philip Spicksley A.G.Swd.B.
A well-kept Secret.
W Bro, Arthur Baxter Almoner & W Bro, Chris Parrot Treasurer, of St Matthew Lodge MMM No1239,
made a Surprise visit, to see W Bro, Ken Braithwaite at his home in Brigg.
The surprise visit had been made with the help of Ken’s wife Pamela, who kept the reason for the visit under wraps. Ken had a fall in his garden in November last and broke his hip. Taken into hospital! Tests showed Ken had early stage lung cancer. This was caught in time, but went on to have another fall: Breaking his other hip. Ken is now back driving. A magnificent recovery.
On behalf of the R W Provincial Grand Master, Stephen Charles Hallberg. W Bro, Baxter & W Bro, Parrot, after a cup of tea and biscuit, presented W Bro, Braithwaite with the MBF Certificate and Collaret jewel of the well-earned level “GRAND PATRON GOLD”
Ken was thanked for his continued support to the MBF, who couldn’t make such donation’s that they do, without the generosity of brethren like himself.
Ken was truly taken aback by the presentation of the Jewel and certificate, as he only expected a visit for a chat. (Well done Pamela)
He said he enjoys his masonry and pleased with what he had achieved.
A very unassuming Brother.
The Travelling Sceptre moves on.
St. Wilfrid’s RAM Lodge met at Alford to install Bro. Peter Rafferty as Worshipful Commander on 21/05/24. The evening was made very special by the unannounced arrival of the PGM as a guest. In total there was 52 present with 30 guests representing 9 Lodges. The installation was excellently done. by W. Bro. Andrew Wrisdale.
To add to the occasion the Travelling Sceptre was claimed by St. Deny’s Lodge and was whisked off back to Sleaford. Pics show W. Bro. Derek Perkins, who was also representing the PGM, receiving the Travelling Sceptre.

A wonderful evening was had by all.
Why not set up a raiding party from your Royal Ark Mariner Lodge and head to St Denys Lodge on 30th September to claim it for your Royal Ark Mariner Lodge?
If your Mark lodge would like to claim the Travelling Gavel, it is next available to claim from The Saint Matthew Lodge at Barton, on 8th October.
RAM Assembly

On behalf of our RW Provincial Grand Master - more congratulations are due - this time to those Lincolnshire Brethren who will be appointed and invested with RAM Provincial Grand Rank at the RAM Assembly which will take place at Skegness Masonic Hall on Saturday 1st June:
W. Bro. Andy Carr Remigius Lodge no.117
W. Bro. Phillip Horton Trent Lodge no. 172
W. Bro. Craig Maurier Heneage Lodge no. 188
W. Bro. Barry Staley Heneage Lodge no. 188
W. bro. Christopher Woods St. Wilfrid's Lodge no. 209
W. Bro. Keith Rowbottom St. Denys Lodge no, 427
W. Bro. Grant Taylor St. Denys Lodge no. 427
W. Bro. Michael Bunce St. Swithun's Lodge no. 445
W. Bro. Peter Chandler St Wulfram's Lodge No. 916
W. Bro. Nev Stockdale Earl of Scarbrough Lodge no. 1032
W. Bro. Andrew Sharp St. Guthlac Lodge no.1122
W. Bro. Keith Munn Mayflower Lodge no. 1899
We sincerely congratulate these brethren on their preferments.
Details of the Assembly and a booking form will be distributed in due course.
Wives and Partners will be invited to attend and the Assembly will also be pleased to welcome, W. Bro. Mike Neville, a well known Masonic author and speaker who will deliver what should be an interesting and informative talk - be sure not to miss out
Mark Grand Lodge Appointments/Promotions
Brethren, on behalf of our RW Provincial Grand Master, I am delighted to confirm the appointments/promotions in Mark Grand Lodge for this year.
At the next meeting of Grand Lodge on the 11th June
(first appointments):
W. Bro. Phil Spicksley (St. Matthew Lodge, no. 1239) will be appointed and invested as (Active) Assistant Grand Sword Bearer;
W. Bro. Rod Rouse (Spurn and Humber Lodge, no. 1199) will be appointed and invested as Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.
At the meeting of Grand Lodge on the 10th September ((promotions):
W. Bros. Ian Castledine (Urania Lodge no. 326) and Alan Farmer (St Guthlac Lodge no. 1122) will both be promoted and invested to the rank of Past Grand Junior Deacon.
We obviously heartily congratulate all these brethren on their respective appointments and wish them all well in their new Offices.
Haven RAM Installation
Brian McDonough was placed in the chair of Worshipful Commander in the Haven Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners for the second time, twenty five years after he first had that privilege. Brian is held in high esteem by brethren in many orders and this was attested to by the fact that the evening was very well attended by visitors from several other RAM lodges.

John Moulson was representing the RW PGM and is seen here after congratulating Brian McDonough on the evening.

A picture of the founders of the Have Lodge on Royal Ark Mariners
See if you can spot Brian in this line-up.
Eventful Night at Remigius Lodge RAM 117

An eventful night at Remigius Lodge RAM 117 saw a few firsts and lasts. W.Bro David Pattison announced he was stepping down as the Lodge Liaison Officer after 10 years, W.Bro Chris Oates on his first official visit as the Provincial Grand Senior Warden announced he is to become the next Lodge Liaison Officer.
Worshipful Brother David Wheeler on his last full meeting as Worshipful Commander Elevated three Candidates, Alexander Peadon, William Gregory and Mike Martin. The Senior Warden Bro Mike Clay was elected as the next Worshipful Commander. W.Bro Terry Wallhead the new Provincial Junior Warden and the Lodge Chaplin at his first meeting since his appointment.
Bro’s Stephen Ellicker and David Willets both Elevated at a double ceremony at the last meeting received their Grand Lodge Certificates.
Travelling Gavel
A contingent of 'Raiders' led by the Worshipful Master W. Bro. David Crosskill of St Matthew Lodge 1239 MMM travelled the full distance of the Lincolnshire Province on Tuesday 26th March 2024 to visit the Alexandra Lodge No 1230 at Long Sutton.
Visiting Brethren attended in force from three different Lodges in the Province, namely the St Wilfrids Lodge No 209 of Alford who sent 6 Brethren and the Nene Lodge No 427 of Sleaford who sent 11 Brethren.
Clearly the distance travelled by the Brethren from Barton Upon Humber the most northerly Mark Lodge in the Province to the most southerly Lodge at Long Sutton made the mileage important and although they had the least members make up their 'Raiding Party' the mileage made the difference
St Matthew next meet on Tuesday 9th of April and their secretary can by contacted on if a 'Raiding Partys' wish to be formed.
The visitors experienced an interesting Installation Ceremony with W. Bro. Horner placing Bro. Mann into the Worshipful Masters Chair.
A wonderful evening was had by all and new friendships formed in so many ways.
The photographs show W. Bro. Mann handing over the gavel to W. Bro. Phil Spicksley representing St Matthew Lodge and witnessed by W. Bro. G. King the Representative of the R.W. Bro. S. C. Hallberg the Provincial Grand Master.
Lincolnshire Provincial Grand Lodge
23rd March 2024
Address by the Provincial Grand Master

Brethren: A warm welcome to Lincolnshire and to our Provincial Grand Lodge meeting . Thank you all for attending today , particularly our friends from other Provinces who I know have travelled extremely long distances to be with us .
Today for the first time in the last 4 years I have a warm feeling of cautious optimism and confidence that we have turned a corner after the devastating effects the pandemic had on Freemasonry in general and our wonderful Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Orders in particular.
We ran a very successful Mark Awareness evening at the St Oswald’s Lodge in Scunthorpe in November with two thirds of the Master Masons attending either joining us or committing to do so in the near future. Similar events are planned for the 17th April in Spalding at the Mercia Lodge and event flyers have already gone out to Lodges and is available to view on the website- and again on 13th November at the Earl of Scarbrough Lodge in Skegness. We will have effectively covered all parts of our Province spreading the word and engaging with Master Masons on the virtues of joining the Mark. I was surprised and more than slightly disappointed that when chatting to the potential new members at that Scunthorpe event some had heard little about our Order and wanted to know more. Our Facebook feed from a standing start now has over 400 followers and can be another avenue to get interested parties engaged in our Order. My special thanks go to Bro Chris Tandy for his expertise in making it happen.
We have to concede it is only by us talking one to one with Craft Masons that our existence and benefits can be demonstrated. Use the merchandise which has been sent to all members – give the tri-fold leaflets and business cards to interested candidates. Invite them to scan the QR codes which takes them to our website and encourage them to learn more about us. Only by doing that can we properly engage. The discussions should be cordial and not in an way pushy or overly burdensome and my message continues to be - start asking people to join us. You will be amazed how many will willingly say ‘’yes’’ and how many will say ‘’I’ve never been asked’’ !
We still have a few Lodges that continue to struggle – W Bro Phil Spicksley our Membership Officer , has been instrumental in organising blue and white table events in Lodges where there is no candidate , and giving thought provoking Talks to encourage awareness and membership. It is a way of inviting Craft Masons to your own Lodge and learning more about us and the benefits of joining- I hope every one of you will give him , me, and the Province every bit of help you can. If you don’t have a ceremony- give him a call, and he will explain the way forward.
We have undertaken 10 team visits since Provincial Grand Lodge in 2023. On each occasion we have received the warmest of welcomes , and next Wednesday the new team will accompany me to celebrate the sesqui-centenary or 150th anniversary of the second oldest Lodge in Lincolnshire – The John O Gaunt Lodge in Gainsborough. The Assistant Grand Master will once again grace us with his presence and it is shaping up to be another very memorable evening with our wives and partners joining us to witness the presentation of the Warrant and see a Dedication ceremony in the Lodge room – their involvement is something I have been keen to promote since taking this job 5 years ago.
Our Province will reach its own 150th anniversary this year and a special event will take place in this building on the 9th November- arrangements are already well advanced and more information will follow over the coming weeks/ months . Do make a note in your diaries as we expect all 3 Rulers to attend and once again it should prove to be a wonderful event.
Four of us attended the District Grand Lodge of Spain in Benidorm in 2023 on the first Saturday in February- this year a dozen did the same although regrettably I was unable to join them, but my Assistant PGM Phil Aitken lead from the front and did a great job in growing support - mainly from the Scunthorpe Brethren, for this excursion into international Mark Masonry- long may it continue putting Lincolnshire on the map - I’m told the weather was once again kind and the party sat in temperatures around 18 degrees plus - to consume pre-luncheon drinks, and enjoy the sunshine the following day before returning home. The tapas starter lasts about 2 hours Brethren and I can testify is worth the trip just on its own!
We continue to keep up our support for the forthcoming Festivals in the same way others supported us- we have this year donated £10,000 to the Craft 2025 Festival , our Craft PGM has already explained his genuine gratitude .
We have also supported Cheshire’s Festival cumulating in July this year – Gary – my wife and I will be with you in July at Manchester and look forward to the amazing experience of dining under the wings of Concorde- I’m told there are a few remaining paces still available? and I hope your result is one you can be proud of- I’m sure it will . Thank you too, for the kind mention you gave our Assistant Provincial Grand Master Phil Aitken at the Address you gave to Grand Lodge this month for joining your cycling challenge - in your 2024 Festival update- he and I are most appreciative.
we have also contributed £5,000 to Oxfordshire’s MBF Festival in 2025 which means we are well ahead in our charitable giving- I’m delighted R W Bro Ian Wright is here today to receive that in person. Ian we hope you are in line for another amazing MBF Festival next year.
Finally on the subject of charitable giving we in Lincolnshire have been guilty of not putting forward viable needy local projects to the MBF which could be supported by them . If you feel you know of any charitable organisation requiring for example a new minibus or similar or necessary capital equipment then please approach Province and start the ball rolling. Remember it should be equipment and not daily running costs that can be funded. These requests can be dealt with extremely quickly which is the guiding principle of the MBF of course.
To this end I ask you all to continue making donations to our Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Fund with gift aid envelope collections. Linked to this charitable giving is our quarterly Mark Prize Draw - I encourage all those participating to continue to do so. Not only does it distribute great prizes , it gives us the ability to fund both our Provincial Grand Lodge in this magnificent setting it also provides funds for Festival donations, something we can be very proud of.
Turning to Grand Mark Lodge : we were pleased to attend at the June 2023 Investitures and see W Bro Brian McDonough receive first appointment to the active rank of Grand Steward , W Bro Neil Hollingsworth to PAGDC and W Bro. Derek Perkins promoted to PAGSwdB.
In September V W Bro Bob Paterson was promoted to PGJO , W Bro Colin Fox to PGSD and W Bro Peter Dolby promoted to PGJD – all thoroughly deserved. They are a reward for past services but more importantly to future commitment and service.
In December at the Royal Ark Mariner Assembly we saw W. Brothers Rod Rouse, Brian McDonough and Bruce Goodman receive promotions to Grand Rank in the ancient and honourable fraternity – once again richly deserved.
Lastly I congratulate all Provincial Officers appointed, promoted and invested today and remind each and every one how very important the rank is- you will be looked up to for an example of good order and practice, and for that reason I ask you set high standards for yourselves and all those around you.
Provincial Grand Lodge requires a tremendous amount of organisation and once again I do sincerely thank our hard working Provincial team for all their efforts in making today possible and White Stone Lodge , Lincoln, for their ever present support and sponsoring Lodge- St Wulfam’s Grantham . Thank you all for getting today to run so smoothly.
We can all now do a great deal to promote our two Orders of Mark and Royal Ark Mariner, both beautiful in their own rights. Essential to this of course is ensuring our Craft Lodges remain vibrant and providing the right men to join us. Remember to ask politely-avoid pressuring - and you will be pleasantly surprised at the answer.
I continue to be thankful to you all for the great privilege of being your Provincial Grand Master and wish you continued happiness in our Mark & Royal Ark Mariner Masonry.
May the Great Overseer of the Universe Bless you All & Mark well.
Provincial Grand Master
23rd March 2024.
The PGM and all the Mark Brethren of Lincolnshire send sincere congratulations and best wishes to V.W. Bro. Dan Heath on his appointment as the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
We wish him many happy and successful years in the position and look forward to supporting him in his new Office.

Get a raiding party together from your lodge and claim the Travelling Gavel.
If your Mark lodge would like to claim the gavel, Alexandra still hold the Gavel,
They next meet on 26/03/2024 which will be the installation.
Presentation of a 60th Mark certificate to V.W. Bro. Robert (Bob) Paterson
The recent business meeting of St Wilfrid’s Lodge RAM which was undertaken before their annual Burns night proved to be a great start to a very enjoyable evening with a presentation of a 60th Mark certificate to V.W. Bro. Robert (Bob) Paterson by our RW PGM, Stephen Hallberg.
Bob actually undertook his Mark advancement under the Scottish Constitution in 1963 before moving to Lincolnshire due to his job and joining St Wilfrid’s Lodge MMM in 1973.
He is currently a member of 5 Mark Lodges and 5 RAM Lodges in our Province so no doubting where his heart lies in Freemasonry, a wonderful man and Mark Mason who received due recognition last year when he received the honour of being promoted to PGJO and now is entitled to the well deserved preferment of V.W. Bro. – RAM Grand rank having been achieved in 2003.
The presentation took the form of a chat between the PGM and Bob in the centre of the Lodge and proved to be both humorous and touching, at the end of which Bob received a standing ovation from all the Royal Ark Mariners present, showing the affection and high esteem with which he is held.
However, a further presentation took place at the Festive board with the PGM noticing that despite his commitment, Bob was wearing the ‘old’ Provincial tie which was replaced a good few years ago – his excuse was that he is a Scot after all !!!
The DPGM promptly produced a ‘new’ tie which the PGM presented to Bob who without blushing, responded with a payment of 50 pence – Scotland’s loss was definitely our gain – here’s to many more years Bob.
The PGM and Bob being joined by the W. Commander, Andrew Wrisdale and also the DPGM and the APGM
(thanks to V.W. Bro. Keith Robinson)
St Wilfrid's RAM Burns Night
Monday the 22nd saw the annual Burns night at St Wilfrid’s RAM no. 209 take place in Alford with some 90 odd brethren attending - A wonderful night of fellowship and enjoyment which is organised by W. Bro. Tim Bird to whom grateful thanks must be given.
Whilst primarily for Mark & Ark brethren, the evening is also open to Craft / Chapter Masons from the Alford & Louth Lodges who always support the event in good numbers and such is the fraternal atmosphere that some even decide to take a further step in their Freemasonry as a result with many of the attendees remaining long after the official festivities had concluded.
The playing of the bagpipes and the all important ‘Address to the Haggis were given by Pipe Major Finlay MacGhee who was duly rewarded by the Worshipful Commander, W. Bro. Andrew Wrisdale with a suitable reward (no prizes for guessing what !!!).
Many thanks especially to Bro. Rob Watson and his wife Caroline (not forgetting their staff) who provided an exceptional 5 course meal accompanied by a glass of the ‘water of life’.
The meeting, which has also become an essential part of the Mark Provincial calendar was attended by our RW PGM who was accompanied by his DPGM, W. Bro Steve Roberts and his APGM, W. Bro. Phil Aitken along with a good number of his Provincial team. The reason – it has become the tradition, that it is at this meeting that the PGM announces his Wardens for the ensuing year and many congratulations are given to W. Bro. Chris Oates of John O’Gaunt Lodge MMM who is the SW designate and W. Bro. Terry Wallhead of Remigius Lodge MMM who is the JW designate – we wish both these brethren a happy investiture at Provincial Grand Lodge in March and an enjoyable year in Office.
Until next year - Sláinte Mhath
